PhaseAlarm™: The High-Tech Solution to Prevent Liquid Contamination in Gas Analyzers

Introducing PhaseAlarm™

Phase Alarm is a revolutionary new device that will detect the presence of liquids in your gas sample before it enters your other gas analyzers such as GCs, moisture, H2S, CO2, or oxygen sensors. Simply install PhaseAlarm upstream of your other analyzers.  PhaseAlarm™ will detect the presence of any and all liquids in your gas stream.  If liquids are detected, it will trigger an alarm that can be used to divert the gas flow away from other analyzers.  Or use the optional integrated 3-way valve to do the same thing.

Gas Probe Sampling Liquid from the Pipe

There are pipes that sometimes have liquids in them. A gas probe may sample that liquid and now you have liquids in your gas lines that go to your gas analyzers. Installing PhaseAram(™) right after the probe can detect the intrusion of liquids. An alarm will allow you to be notified of the problem to address it.

Creation of Liquids due to the JT Effect

Many gas analyzers (including GCs, TDLAS, etc) work at near-atmospheric pressures. The pressure has to be reduced before introducing gas into these analyzers. Such pressure reduction on its own, or in combination with the JT effect, may lead to creation of liquids. Installing PhaseAlarm(™) before the analyzers will detect the liquids and can divert the flow away from the analyzers.

Heat-traced Tubing Failure

Most gas lines going to analyzers are heat-traced to make sure that the gas remains in 100% vapor phase. If the heat-trace fails for any reason, for example loss of power, liquids may form in the gas line. PhaseAlarm(™) installed before the analyzers can detect the presence of liquids. It can also report the gas temperature that provides additional insight for the user to take action.